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Well, as the name suggests APARNA DESIGNS, the one starting the store is me – APARNA. As long as I remember, I have been into Arts & Craft from my childhood but never really got an opportunity to pursue it as a career. All thanks to COVID, scrolling through art videos on Instagram and YouTube, I developed interest in Digital Art, Illustrations, Doodles, Animations! 

In December 2020, I started an Instagram Profile for Aparna Designs sharing my illustrations, designing for other people (Do check Portfolio) and now finally after 7-8 months I decided to have my online store where people can buy for their loved ones some unique personalized gifts.

Starting from customized frames with illustrations, quotes, home décor aesthetic wall frame designs, Spotify frames, we also provide wallet cards, famous meme stickers, famous TV shows stickers. Apart from gifts, we have bulk printing for small businesses, which includes logo sticker, sticker sheets, business cards.

Hope you have a lovely experience with Aparna Designs! You can also drop your suggestions or feedback at aparnatomar@icloud.com

Spare me for this Snapchat Selfie 🙂 (Will upload a professional one soon).

“In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.”

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