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What it feels like to be turning 25?

by | Jun 26, 2022 | Life, Personal

Age is just a number : you are not too old or too young to try something you want to. You might have heard this a plenty of times, but is really age just a number? I turned 25 last to last Sunday and we have all seen that one meme how you look at twenty five and how your relatives see you at twenty five. Luckily enough I do have a very supportive family who sees me the same way as I see myself and I am grateful for everything life has given me. Well, let’s dive into the ride of turning twenty-five!

Looking back into all the memories, from childhood to school, to college and hostel life, then to an independent working life miles away from home, to being back at home due to pandemic, it’s quite a journey till twenty-five. I went through a lot of blogs and articles



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